Tuesday, October 27, 2009,

I scribbled your names everywhere from deep down in this stupid heart until it created every little memory. Right now here i am...have ended up in tears. I might have already cried more than a million times but who cares right! Your words killed me alive. I got lost in that same old world i had come from for a while. That one night I should have left my words unsaid...I should have stayed quiet...Cuz here, now i have lost every bit of me in you....but you i don't know. As i walk these halfways today ALONE,LOST,BEWILDERED and HELPLESS I had someone to look up to but now as i look down again another drop another memory adding a little more to the pain. People around me always called me stupid for giving up everything just on the name of love and still they do... for i am still crying for you..Whats wrong? Has time just suddenly changed in the course of some months? Or have the memories faded? Have all those promises now died? Why are there words a million in my head but the feeling they hold all the same! Why are these little things hurting me so much? I thought they called me naive right? then how can love just hurt a naive person? Why am i still expecting things from you?Sometimes your words and sometimes your silence. I know love isn't easy... but why is it this hard? Wherever i go whatever i do everything has something to do with you. You left me right? then why are you still here? Why is it that i feel you here everywhere? My tears my words they don't affect you anymore. Then why do i cry? why am i writing all this... Why am i living with just a hope? what am i living for? My dreams which are now shattered into pieces and they now have such sharp edges that even the thought of another dream just kills it. I thought you left me then why am I still sitting consoling myself? have i turned this Stupid? Is it you who has changed or is it me? i guess its me... I guess its me...I thought i had changed your perspective of love? But gyess I failed. Where have those promises gone? Where are your words lost? Has this relation just lost its charm? The charm that showed the world that we would forever go on? Has that forever come to an end so fast? And yah i know what you are thinking of "you must be saying to yourself that "am the one who is supposed to ask you these"... I thought i under stood you well but guess it ended out to be wrong.

8:52 AM